Wednesday 23 September 2009

Information of literary kind

I've just finished the first book in the Pax Britannia series, Unnatural History, and I can confirm it was a rollicking good read! I was lucky enough to get the book in my goody bag at the asylum, which was a lovely suprise. The book did have a few cliches, and the characterisation could have been improved, but all in all it was great fun. I'll definitely be seeking out the other books in the series.

In sort of related news, I've decided to attempt nanowrimo again this year. The title? Jericho! Yes, I'm going to attempt a steampunk novel. l have managed to knock together a rough chapter plan, and I know what I'm aiming for (pulp all the way, baby!) so my hopes are reasonably high this time... Look out for excerpts on this very blog.

Thursday 17 September 2009

I've done a little more work on the faery-gun - I've sawn off the magazine and the pretend folding stock. I've found a jar to attach to the magazine place and worked out (see below) how to place a glowing fairy in the aforementioned jar. Next I need to glue in place the cone on the barrel and the other bits and bobs. I need to get some glue on rivet heads (and possibly a cog on the cocking knob) and then I can paint her! I'm envisioning a couple of coats of primer followed by a copper coat. Then it's just a case of aging it up. Hopefully should look good!

Faery gun power unit

I've been working on some plans for the 'power unit' of Lady Mimsy's pistol. Feeling rather positive about my ability to deliver a convincing mod.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

A Ray-Gun for the Lady

Today I bought a small toy gun to modify for the lovely Lady Mimsy- the picture below shows the raw material. I have a couple of bits to attach to this and few parts to saw off! We're looking to make this into a 'faery powered' gun! More later...


Plans afoot!

I'm terribly excited by the prospect of steaming it up again at Whitters this October! To that end, the Lady Mimsy and I have been formulating plans for clothing, props &c. I'm in the planning stages regarding revamping an old brown cord coat that I damaged some time ago. I'm toying with the idea of putting on a chained corset style back, epaullettes and watch part decoration around the lapels. I might also affix some method of attaching pouches and accessories to the coat too. Lady Mimsy has some excellent plans for a key decorated corset, and there's another top secret project we're working on for next year!

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Back From The Asylum...

...where they very kindly let me go!

I, and my lovely paramour, the Lady Mimsy Beaucoup, had a most marvelous time. There was a wonderful sense of community, and many beautiful outfits on display. My mind is buzzing with ideas for Whitby and the next SP Convivial, and hopefully I'll be able to record them on this shiny new journal!

Anyway, here's a link to all the pictures from the Asylum Convivial -

and here's a link to my BG profile -